Publié le Jeudi 14 décembre

The 8th session of the Webinar TTI.5 will focus on “Reflection on the Materiality of the Transition.” It will be held online on Friday, January 19, 2024, from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM. The session of this webinar will be in French. It will be possible to directly ask your questions to the three speakers.

The extraction, importation, and transformation of raw materials play a crucial role in the low-carbon transition. Emerging technologies such as renewable energy, electric vehicles, and energy storage devices rely on so-called rare metals, such as lithium and cobalt.

However, the use of these resources can lead to environmental problems, mining-related conflicts, challenging working conditions, and inequalities in access to the benefits of the transition. The geopolitical balance is disrupted.

Thus, the responsible management of raw materials becomes a crucial issue to ensure an environmentally sustainable and socially equitable transition.


To discuss all these topics, three specialists are announced among the speakers:

  • « Les ressources minérales, limites à la transition énergétique ?» [Translation in English: Mineral Resources: Limits to the Energy Transition?], by Damien GOETZ | Professor-Researcher at GEOSCIENCES Mines Paris – PSL
    > Mineral resources specialist – with expertise in extraction methods, economic assessment of development, and availability for economic and industrial growth – Damien GOETZ is a teaching researcher at GEOSCIENCES. He is in charge of the Mineral Resources option for transitions in the education of engineers at Mines Paris – PSL.

  • « Extractivisme et fédéralisme aux États-Unis : l’instrumentalisation des permis miniers sur les territoires “Cédés” Ojibwe » [Translation in English: Extractivism and Federalism in the United States: The Instrumentalization of Mining Permits in Ojibwe ‘Ceded’ Territories.”], by Farah BENRAMDANE | Phd Student at theUniversity Bordeaux-Montaigne
    > Farah BENRAMDANE has been working on a thesis since 2021 within theÉcole doctorale Montaigne – Humanités in partnership with the unité de recherche Cultures et Littératures des Mondes Anglophones (CLIMAS). Her thesis focuses on « Conflits miniers et territoire “cédés” : la remise en cause systématique de la souveraineté amérindienne aux Etats-Unis »and is under the supervision of Lionel LARRE, President of the University Bordeaux-Montaigne and professor of American civilization. Farah BENRAMDANE has been a member of the Research Commission at the University Bordeaux-Montaigne since April 2022. She also holds a Master’s degree in LLCER (Languages, Literatures, Foreign and Regional Civilizations) since June 2020, as well as the CAPES (Certificat d’Aptitude au Professorat de l’Enseignement du Second Degré) in English.

  • « La transition à l’épreuve de la matérialité : quels choix politiques ? » [Translation in English: “The Transition Tested by Materiality: What Political Choices?”], by Brice LAURENT | Researcher at CSI Mines Paris – PSL
    > Researcher at the Center for the Sociology of Innovation (CSI), Brice LAURENT also serves as the director of the Social Sciences, Economy, and Society Directorate at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES). His research focuses on the relationships between science and democracy, investigated through surveys conducted in places involved in the promotion, regulation, or contestation of innovation. His current work includes inquiries into experimental forms of innovation and research projects addressing political issues related to subsurface resources.

Review of the previous sessions:

Upcoming sessions:

  • March 21, 2024
  • May 22, 2024