The TTI.5 call for projects

The Institute has a permanent call for projects to which PSL and Mines Paris research professors can apply.

The research projects must:

  • be linked to one of TTI.5’s research focus;
  • Involve a student or student researcher (thesis, post-doc, internship), the candidate may be selected at a later stage;
  • be interdisciplinary (two supervisors from different disciplines belonging to two different PSL departments, at least one of whom must be from Mines Paris – PSL);
  • In the case of a doctorate, its main doctoral school must belong to Mines Paris – PSL.
  • not be covered by confidentiality.

The funding proposed by the institute will cover the student’s salary and a supplement of €5,000[1] per year (or €15,000 for a 3-year thesis period) dedicated to the purchase of equipment, costs related to participation in conferences, etc. TTI.5 will not provide additional funding. It is left to the project holders to find a complementary source of funding elsewhere if the project requires it.

The application form to be submitted to is available (in French) for downloadhere.

[1] With the exception of interns who will not receive any additional compensation.

Thesis and post-doctoral offers TTI.5

Applications are open for the first intake of TTI.5 doctoral students. Please see below the theses available for the start of the 2022 academic year. More offers will be published soon.

Theses fit in with one of the areas of the Institute’s research program and are interdisciplinary in nature.

To ensure interdisciplinarity, they are co-supervised by directors from two different centers affiliated with separate departments of Mines Paris – PSL.

Axis 1: The transition design

Theme of the thesis: Fluid-rock interaction in the context of underground hydrogen storage

This thesis is funded by The Transition Institute 1.5. You can find the details of the TTI.5 doctoral track here: Link.

The proposed PhD subject concerns the study of mass exchanges that occur in salt caverns and natural porous media between a mixture of hydrogen-based gases and the surrounding environment. This includes the thermodynamic behavior of the gas mixture, its interaction with the present aqueous solution, and its permeation into the rock of repository.

This research is based on the modeling of rock-fluid and fluid-fluid interaction phenomena as well as the experimental resources of the joint laboratory of the two research centers:

  • the Centre de Géosciences (GÉOSCIENCES Mines Paris – PSL) : (Link) ;
  • the Centre Énergie Environnement Procédés (CEEP Mines Paris – PSL) : (Link).

Axis 2: An electric planet?

No offers are available at this time.

AXIS 3: The inclusive planet

No offers are available at this time.

Focus 4: The planet as an area of influence

No offers are available at this time.

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