Publié le Mercredi 17 mai

The 5th session of the Webinar TTI.5 addresses the theme of “Prospects and Long-Term Approaches to Climate Change”. This webinar was conducted in French.
The long-term approach to climate-related challenges guides actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the consequences of climate change.
During this seminar, The Transition Institute 1.5 presents several perspectives illustrating these approaches: foresight, which allows envisioning future developments through various possible scenarios, and long-term observations.
- « Rétrospective des exercices de prospective France » (Translation in English: “Retrospective of Future Studies Exercises in France”), by Nadia MAÏZI |CMA Mines Paris – PSL
- « Exercice de prospective intégrant les limites planétaires » (Translation in Englis: “Prospective Exercise Integrating Planetary Boundaries”), by Edi ASSOUMOU |CMA Mines Paris – PSL
- « Changement d’échelle spatiale pour la prospective des effets du changement climatique sur le secteur agricole » (Translation in English: “Scaling Change for the Prospective Assessment of Climate Change Effects on the Agricultural Sector”), by Emmanuel GARBOLINO | CDS Geoprospective Science, anciennement Mines Paris – PSL
- « Suivi à long terme de la zone critique de l’Orgeval (Zone atelier Seine et IR OZCAR) » (Translation in English: “Long-Term Monitoring of the Critical Zone in Orgeval”), by Agnès RIVIÈRE |GEOSCIENCES Mines Paris – PSL