Publié le Lundi 08 août

The stakes around the energy sector are growing. The latter is confronted with the challenges of the ecological transition, as it is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. But for several years now, a digital revolution has been affecting all sectors with increasing intensity, and the energy sector is no exception. Digital technology could well be the main tool for making the world of energy smarter, more efficient and more environmentally friendly. However, it could also bring new complex issues, such as metal dependency or cyber security risks.

In this case, is digital a real asset for the energy transition? In the light of these elements, what should be the place of digital technology in the energy transition? It is around these essential questions that the Specialized Master in Energy Systems Optimization of Mines Paris is organizing the 2022 edition of its conference, in partnership with Chaire Modélisation Prospective au service du Développement Durable (event page). On this occasion, you will have the opportunity to attend different interventions and round tables proposed by important actors of the energy and digital world.

This event will be held on Thursday, September 29, 2022. You will be able to follow it in person on the Pierre LAFFITTE campus of Mines-Paris PSL in Sophia Antipolis, or remotely on our Youtube channel, and all this is obviously free.

If you are passionate about the subject and would like more information about the event, do not hesitate to visit the event’s website !

If you want to register now, this is the place to do it !

We hope to count you among us!

The congress team of the OSE master
In partnership with the MPDD Chaire