Publié le Vendredi 06 mai

Power system flexibility enhancements for the decarbonization with high integration of renewable energy: the case of European islands

Author : Sophie Chlela for IAEE Podcast

This podcast discusses power system flexibility with a focus on a set of well-proven solutions that will ensure the integration of high amounts of renewable energy for the decarbonization of energy systems. The showcased solutions are storage, demand-side management (including demand-response) and electric vehicle charging control. Particular focus is made on challenges and opportunities for islands where this requirement becomes relevant especially that they have limited (or no) interconnections to the continent. Hence, relying on flexibility options would ensure the secure and cost-efficient operation of their energy system. The methodology used for exploring decarbonization pathways is also presented: it concerns prospective modeling based on techno-economic optimization of TIMES model generator, a methodological corpus developed within the IEA-ETSAP ( It implies the integration of technical, economic and poli cy aspects of the plausible evolution of power systems. A brief presentation of the H2020 GIFT- Geographical Islands FlexibiliTy project is also included since it is in relation to the topic and the study.