Diagrams of CO2 phases and ancillary gases during capture, transportation and storage (CTP)
To hope to achieve the targets established by the Paris Agreements and the Climate Plan requires a decrease in global CO2emissions of more than 40{05084633c12137dfed29d509d094074b58c31b026259bc744d11463659261af1} by 2040. One solution to reduce incompressible emissions from industrial sites is CO2 capture, utilization, and geological storage, which employs several technologies to recuperate CO2 from fumes, transport it, store it underground, and use it.
For the last 25 years, the CTP has been solicited by the industrial sector to research into acid gas capture. Our work involves determining the thermophysical properties, and in particular the experimental determination of the solubility of CO2 and its ancillary gases in aqueous amine solutions. This is either done directly with an experimental apparatus based on the static analysis method, or indirectly using absorption enthalpies. We currently have contracts with industrialists for natural gas processing, chemical capture of acid gases, and natural gas sweetening (unit to eliminate acid gas and mercaptans). We are also involved in a project to capture CO2 emitted from combustion fumes. Another project involves studying phase diagrams: determining the thermophysical properties of CO2-rich mixtures during the geological storage of CO2.
During the last decade, the CTP has done significant work on capturing CO2 at low temperatures (cryogenic capture). Some of these studies, involving both experimental activities and modeling, were carried out with industrial partners and fed into the design and development of industrial processes aimed at capturing CO2 in hydrogen production from steam methane reforming, CO2 capture by anti-sublimation, and distillation.
Since January 2022, the CTP has been a member of the French branch of the European network ECCSEL working on CCUS (CO2 capture, utilization and storage). The CTP has its own experimental platform THERMOPROP (Thermophysical Properties Laboratory), which is part of this network.

Prisms of analysis

TTI.5 contacts
Elise El Ahmar, CTP – Mines Paris
Mines Paris Research Centers: CTP, GEOSCIENCES, CES
Others: Heriot-Watt University (Scotland), Politecnico di Milano (Italy).
TotalEnergies, Linde, Chevron, Shell, Equinor, Tecnimont, Gas Processors Association.