Description of the TTI.5 Academic Track

TTI.5 is opening an academic track dedicated to the transition for the start of the 2022 academic year. This course is intended for students in the civil engineering program at École Mines Paris – PSL. Download the brochure here.

The track comprises a set of courses and involves related in-depth experience and contributions to the TT1.5 community.

TTI.5-accredited courses

As part of this track, during the 2nd and 3rd years of their civil engineering studies, students must take TT1.5-accredited specialized courses, amounting to a minimum of 16 ECTS. They can opt to do a Master’s degree in parallel, also TTI.5-accredited.

Related in-depth experience

Students must carry out either a term of research or an internship (either as a break from studies or during the end-of study period) on the theme of the low-carbon transition. This part represents 15 ects and must be validated by the institute.

Contributions to the TTI.5 community

Contributions to the community can take different forms. Students must make at least two contributions from the following list:

  • Write and publish a summary note
  • Produce a video or podcast
  • Organize an event related to TTI.5
  • Give a presentation at a TTI.5 conference
  • Contribute to the TTI.5 blog
  • Write up the minutes of TTI.5 seminars

How to apply?

The TTI.5 academic track is presented at the start of the year to civil engineering students. Students who would like to apply must submit their project to the Institute for validation using a document downloadablehere. This detailed project should include both general/fundamental and applied lessons.

Completed track projects should be sent to the following address: (with the email subjetc: your name, your last name and the mention “Academic Track TTI.5”).