Publié le Mardi 27 août
Discover « Planète en Transition », the Podcast by The Transition Institute 1.5 and the first episode «Public Support for Energy Renovation: A Winning Bet?». [Original title in French: « Soutien public à la rénovation énergétique : un pari gagnant ? »].
To explore this question, tune in to the discussion between Nadia MAÏZI, Director of The Transition Institute 1.5 – and Guillaume WALD, PhD Student at TTI.5.
Undertaking the renovation of older buildings seems evident for several reasons: first and foremost, even outside of any specific context, the importance of preserving and improving our aging homes is self-evident. Furthermore, when considering the fight against climate change, the renovation of our homes, their insulation, and the improvement of their energy efficiency emerge as priority choices to reduce our consumption.
Thus, the question is no longer about the merits of implementing renovation policies, which have been advocated since the late 1970s, but rather about their execution and impact.
While the French government offers measures to promote an incentivizing public policy for the development of the renovation sector and to help shape an industrial policy, is it achieving the expected success? Specifically, what is the impact of the flagship measure known as the Energy Savings Certificate?
In this first episode of the Podcast TTI.5 « Planète en Transition », The Transition Institute 1.5 invites you to assess the outcomes of these measures in terms of job creation, guiding you through a delicate accounting exercise that we will decipher together.
« Planète en Transition », the podcast of The Transition Institute 1.5
The Podcast TTI.5 « Planète en transition » is available on the main audio streaming platforms (Spotify, Deezer, YouTube, etc.) as well as on our website. The Podcast TTI.5 « Planète en transition » is produced by The Transition Institute 1.5 and directed with Nadia MAÏZI.
Our societies must commit to addressing the climate emergency and follow the IPCC‘s recommendation to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. For Mines Paris – PSL, addressing climate challenges means integrating interdisciplinary research in interaction with all societal actors. This research offers a systemic vision to better incorporate the social, political, economic, and technical constraints of climate issues.
For us, researchers from all disciplines, it is about meeting this ambition so that the solutions of some do not become the problems of others. Produced by scientists, the Podcast TTI.5 « Planète en transition » helps you decipher the complexity of climate issues.
Sound engineer: Mourad LOUANCHI and Technical support: CHUUUT! FILMS