Publié le Vendredi 20 janvier

The 3th session of the Webinar TTI 1.5 addressed the theme of “Hydrogen Energy“ (Original Title in French: « Hydrogène-Énergie »). This webinar was conducted in the French language.
In this video, find the full recording of the Webinar TTI.5 #3.
Session program:
- Introduction : « Panorama des activités H2 du groupe H2MINES » (Translation in English: “Overview of the H2 activities of the H2MINES group”), by Christian BEAUGER | PERSEE Mines Paris – PSL
- Download the presentation [FR]
- « Production d’hydrogène ‘Turquoise’ par pyrolyse du méthane » (Translation in English: “Turquoise Hydrogen Production through Methane Pyrolysis”), by Laurent FULCHERI | PERSEE Mines Paris – PSL
- Download the presentation [FR]
- « Chaire ANR industrielle Messiah : sureté des structures métalliques vis-à-vis de l’hydrogène » (Translation in English: “ANR Industrial Chair Messiah: Safety of Metallic Structures in the Presence of Hydrogen”), by Yazid MADI | MAT Mines Paris – PSL
- Download the presentation [FR]
- « Évaluation des impacts environnementaux de la production d’hydrogène par Analyse de Cycle de Vie » (Translation in English: “Environmental Impact Assessment of Hydrogen Production through Life Cycle Assessment”), by Joanna SCHLESINGER | O.I.E. Mines Paris – PSL
- Download the presentation [FR]
This Webinar was led by Christian BEAUGER, teaching research in dePERSEE Mines Paris – PSL and coordinator of H2MINES.